How can we help?

Event safety

We work closely with our local venue partners, local fire & policy authorities, and state authorities to hold our events. Each of our events is planned and coordinated with multiple local partners, municipalities, and authorities.


During our planning and permitting process we consider all factors that would impact the safety and enjoyability of the event including weather, traffic flow, capacity limits, and health & safety restrictions due to COVID-19.


The lanterns that Night Lights use are specially-designed with safety in mind. They are 100% biodegradable, flame retardant, and have a fuel cell with a quicker burn time designed to fully burn out before returning to the earth's surface.


The lanterns that we use are above industry standards and have been scientifically created and tested. We work closely with the local fire authority, government, and venue officials to set protocols in place to ensure the safety of each and every Night Lights participant (as well as surrounding local wildlife).

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