How do I submit a request for a refund?
If you did purchase Ticket Protection and you'd like to request a refund, your refund request MUST be submitted BEFORE the event date.
Please log in to the Account Dashboard to view your order. If you purchased Ticket Protection and are eligible for a refund, you will see a button below your order information, that says, “Request Refund”. Fill out the form to submit your refund request. Include the name and email on your order.

How long does it take to receive a refund?
It can take up to 3-10 business days to process the refund. Once we have processed the refund, it can take up to 7-10 business days for the refund to reflect on your account. We have no control over how long this takes.
If you still don’t see your refund after this time, you can fill out the Customer Support form to request an "ARN" or "Acquirer Reference Number” from our customer support team.
This ARN is essentially like a tracking number for banking transactions. You can give this ARN to your bank or credit card and they will be able to help locate the missing transaction.
Can I get a refund if an event is postponed?
Tickets are non-refundable — even if there is a postponement — unless the purchaser has purchased Ticket Protection through Night Lights directly.
We will never cancel an event because of weather or environmental conditions, however some conditions may necessitate a postponement to a later date.
If we are unable to hold an event due to inclement weather or a government restriction, we will postpone the event to a later "make-up" date. All tickets for the original event date are automatically transferred to this make-up date. If you are unable to attend that new date you can either hold your tickets as a credit for a future event, or transfer them to another event on our calendar (a fee may be required).
Can I still get a refund with Priority Access?
Because Priority Access add-ons are physical items that get shipped, there are a few requirements to qualify for a refund. If your Priority Access kit has not been shipped you may request a refund without the following actions. In all cases, Ticket Protection must be purchased to qualify.
Log into the Account Dashboard to fill our the Refund Request form. While filling out this form, you will have 2 options to select from.
Option 1. Wristbands and lantern redemption cards must be cut up and a photo must be sent at the time of the refund request (there will be a place to upload a photo in the form).
Option 2. Unused kits can be returned to us in order to qualify for a refund.
Return unused kits to the following address:
Shipping Manager 123 E 200 S Unit A1 Lindon, UT 84042